When we bought our house there were very few 'garden plants' in the garden - lavender, a bergenia, a hydrangea, a couple of pink geraniums and a shrub of some sort. As a result we had very few butterflies last year - a total of only 4 species (red admiral, speckled wood, small white and small tortoiseshell) and most of them preferred the wild flower species in the lawn. With all the planting we've been doing (including several buddleias and wild flower species) we're hoping that this year will be different. Exeter has a large variety of butterflies including clouded yellows, brimstones and white admirals. Would be lovely to attract some of those.

In early January a pair of red admirals arrived and became very fond of the bergenia. Our first comma of the year arrived on the 19th of March and is a welcome addition to our butterfly species list.
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