We've also had some insects in the house including a huge moth last night. Unfortunately our tabby cat William chased it and it flew under the cooker in panic. It did come out later on, but I was unable to photograph it before putting it outside.
This grasshopper hopped into the kitchen on Tuesday (it hopped back on to the house wall when I came in for the camera)

and this ichneumon fly spent much of the week on the dining room ceiling before coming down to the window and being helped outside

Who needs the outdoors when there's so much wildlife indoors lol
Lovely shots of the Moth.
I'm jealous, spent over an hour trying to get a picture of an Ichneumon last week. hundreds airborne but non would settle. Big impressive things and amazingly fast flying when one tries to prefocus on them.
A posting about insects - that's my sort of post!
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